Handwriting is crucial in conveying thoughts and important ideas. But in most cases, such very purpose of handwriting often sabotaged by the quality and neatness.
In some instances, time is the worst enemy. This happens when you are jotting something very important in a quick fashion. Writing fast deteriorates clarity and neatness of the handwriting.
So, how to write neatly and fast? There is no single rule here. But there are techniques you can use to write neatly and fast. In most cases, the techniques involve choosing the right pen, proper handling, and a lot of practice.
You can tell that improving handwriting speed and neatness takes a lot of practice. Using the perfect writing tool can also make a difference.
A perfect pen differs from person to another. We all have different preferences as far as choosing the best writing tool goes.
As a pen user, it is your job to find a pen that works well in your writing task. This is the first step to develop better handwriting.
In this post, we’ll be sharing with you some of the basic and helpful techniques on how to write neatly and fast.
Let’s dive into the strategies…
Step #1: Choose the Right Pen
As mentioned, the pen you’re using will heavily impact the handwriting. The features of the pens such as the nib size, the grip, length, weight, etc. affect the quality of the handwriting.
What we found is that writing with a pen that provides smoothness on paper when writing really helps. We like the pens that literally just glide on paper and thus creates no friction during those longhand writing sessions.
This feature of a pen can be found in pens that do not skip. One of the signs of a smooth pen is a consistent ink flow.
Pens that skip could scratch the surface of the paper, therefore, creating inconsistent and poor quality handwriting.
Another thing to consider when choosing the pen for handwriting is the hand size. If you have a smaller hand, try to choose the smaller pen. This will allow your hand to hold and manipulate the pen during fast writing.
The last thing that you should consider when choosing the pen to use is the dominant hand you’re using when writing. This is because the pen’s performance may depend on the hand you use in writing.
Left-handed writers, for instance, need pens that have ink that dries quickly. This is because they write from the left to the right side of the paper. So, if a left-handed person uses a pen that takes time to dry its ink, the ink will be distorted as the left-hand touches the newly written surface.
If you are a left-handed person, make sure that you pick a pen with a fast-drying ink. This will help you achieve neater handwriting.
Step #2: Hold the Pen Properly
Now that you have the right pen that writes neatly and fast, the next thing you need to focus on is the proper execution. What we mean by this is the correct handling of the pen when writing.
The perfect way to do this is by holding the pen with just a fair amount of force. This is because if you hold the pen too tight or too loosely, you won’t be able to control the pen.
The “fair amount of force” is subjective. In fact, some people could write well if they tightly hold their pens.
But we do not recommend it if you want to be able to write fast. If you tightly hold your pen, your hand and finger won’t freely move and therefore the movement is constrained.
What we suggest is to hold the pen in such a way that you can easily move your fingers when writing. This will help you write fast and neatly.
Step #3: Find the Right Angle
What we mean by this is that many people find it effective when writing on a paper at 90 degrees angle. These people produce vertical handwriting. The writing is clear and readable.
But for some people, the position of the paper matters during the handwriting process. Some people position the paper at 45 degrees angle. This paper position creates slanted handwriting.
Both writing styles work. There is no right or wrong way to write. As long as you capture or deliver important ideas, you’ll be okay.
What handwriting style should you use? Well, this depends on your preference. There is no rule with regard to this. Find the best angle that works well for you.
Step #4: Practice, Practice, and a Lot of Practice
Now that you already have found your best pen, learned to hold the pen correctly, and found the perfect paper angle, it is time to practice.
Learning how to write neatly and fast takes a lot of practice. All the types of pens and the strategies you learn from here are useless unless you put them in action.
We recommend that you learn how to write fast first. To do this, you can listen to a recorded class discussion (or any type of recording) and try to jot down the information down on the notes.
You can actually do this during a class discussion. Try to capture all your teacher is saying. Do it until your hand and finger get used to fast handwriting strokes.
Then, slowly, begin to work on the clarity of your handwriting. Try to write the letters as neatly and clear as you can.
This sounds easy. But when you put yourself in the actual process, you’ll see the challenge. Your finger and the whole hand will feel the pain as you force them to move faster.
If you do that for a thousand times, you have a better chance to develop a skill that will allow you to write neatly and fast.
Thoughts on How to Write Neatly and Fast
Learning how to write neatly and fast needs a perfect writing tool, strategy and a lot of practice. The combination of these factors will help you a lot in achieving your ultimate handwriting goal.
You have to remember though that there is no general rule as to how to write neatly and fast. That said, you may or may not find these tips helpful. That’s totally fine.
The truth is that it’s only you who can develop a writing strategy that works for you perfectly. But we hope that, through these simple tips, you’ll have an idea of how to achieve your goal.
To learn more about handwriting, feel free to read our Writing Tips.